Sin city 2: A Dame to Kill For Review

Movie: Sin city 2: A Dame to Kill For
By: Maniac E
Date: October 4, 2014

There is no justice without sin

After 9 years finally the sequel to Sin City comes out! 9 years! A lot of people even though the second Sin City wouldn't even be made anymore. But here it is finally, Frank Miller is back in charge and we can expect a lot of good things, or can't we?

Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For

Let's start with the good bits of the movie and those are many what made the first incarnation of the Sin City comics so popular: Violence, goriness, and great visuals. Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez are teaming up together once more for this chapter. They probably thought what can we do to spice up everything…. Boobs! Yes, Eva Green's boobs are running loose wild in this one. So all Eva Green lovers will be on top of their seats throughout the complete movie. I could even say that maybe they should have used the title: Sin City: The Eva Boobs to Kill for. Now I do like Eva Green I really didn't like the excessive need of all the nudity. This is where the movie divers from the first movie. In the first movie things had a way better stylist complete feel to it. This time around everything feels a bit glued on because it was like the way they did it before. For me it felt that the movie was becoming flat.

Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For

The one thing that was really hard to get through was the way the stories fell together, it wasn't like the first Sin City where everything blended in nicely. This time we get 3 stories that were really on their own but actually just had Marv as reference in it or helping out. It just didn't seem to flow together it was all a bit over produced, meaning it was too slick, too much CGI work and wasn't enough of anything actually. What was hard for me to see was the fact the Sin City effects were in it but actually didn't do anything for how the characters where portrayed. To me they took the easy road and thought we introduced most characters in the first movie, screw it let's forget about the rest.

Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For

All in all the movie has violence and the Sin City look for sure but for me that was not enough to save this movie. It had laziness written all over it and it made me feel like they really just wanted to cash in. But if they really wanted to cash in on Sin City why wait 9 years for a sequel? To me it was just not cutting it in any way possible. The first Sin City you saw that everything was done in a bigger artistic way now we get a flat piece of cinema with a lot of Eva Green's boobs. Let just say that it has the violence and the boob factor in place well, other than that it wasn't that good. Frank Miller is at this point not doing good 300: Rise of an Empire was not good and this second installment of the Sin City franchise leaves me hanging as well. Final judgment from me: Too little, too late.



Sin city 2: A Dame to Kill For


Sin city 2: A Dame to Kill For


Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez






Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Josh Brolin