Kim Gok and Kim Sun are set to unleash a Korean horror film titled White: The Curse of the Melody. The film deals with many similar themes as other Korean films, such as a curse or a ghost and the whole mystery element.
“Girl group Pink Dolls, made up of the lead singers Jenny and A-rang, former backup dancer, Eun-ju and rapper, Shin-ji, are struggling to get their name out. In the new office the group’s agency moves into, Eun-ju finds an old videotape of an untitled music video. The song recorded on the video is dark and gloomy -- but also mesmerizing. The group showcases the number and receives immensely positive feedback, their best ever. Excited, the Pink Dolls decide to release the number as their new single under the title “White†and begin a gruelling practice regimen. It’s at that time strange things start happening to each member. Main vocalist Jenny passes out during a practice session. Young A-rang becomes hostile towards her close friend Shin-ji and suffers a bad reaction to a cosmetic. Shin-ji becomes very competitive and jealous, and is injured during a photo shoot. Believing the series of suspicious incidents is related to the music video, Eun-ju looks into the mystery behind it. Soon, she too, falls victim to the curse.“
White: The Curse of the Melody is released in Korea on June 9, 2011.
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