Directed by writer/director Daniel Simpson the British movie ‘Spiderhole’ unleashed a new trailer. The movie will be shown at selected theaters at the 29th of July.Starting from Wednesday the 27th it will also be available on-demand via Comcast, Cox, Cablevision, Time Warner and Bright House. Read on for the synopsis and the trailer.
Spiderhole will draw you into its subtle web until you find yourself entangled in a horrid reality. The story is brought to you through the eyes of Molly, an attractive vivacious young artist.
Molly, together with her three art student friends, embark upon a mission to find an empty house in London, with the view to living as squatters, free from rent, and free to party.Having found the ideal squat, they break in and go about the merry business of dressing the stark interior to reflect their artistic selves. Darkness pervades their new dwelling place, a darkness through which they discover the full implications of their intrepid choice.
A nightmare unfolds that traps the viewer and protagonists alike in a terrifying and unforgiving new reality. Who or what is orchestrating their bloody demise and why? The house appeared to be empty and yet a malevolent force is clearly at work.
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